Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sleepless Nights

Wave No. 31                                                                  17th April 2007

Sleepless Nights

My nights are spent sleepless
I keep rolling, counting numbers,
And the fence-jumping sheep.
Yet, the troubled mind never numbs.

I haven’t wronged, but
When others err in day light
With their eyes wide open,
I simply refuse to shut close.

Whom do I blame –
Myself or their game?

Formed this during the sleepless night of 17th April, 2007, as I was returning by Yercaud Express from Erode, after attending the ‘punishment’ tour of Coimbatore & Erode Public Information Campaigns (PICs) conducted by my office (PIB Chennai), then headed by T. Jayaraj, DDG, and assisted by C. Muthuvelu, Jt. Director, and their loyal team. Both the PICs were utter failure.

Nicobari house

Sketch by S. Balakrishnan
 of a Nicobari hut, done in Nancowry Island, Nicobar, in 1979